Updated on June 23, 2021
People born in 2009 or earlier (age 12+ or turning 12 this year) can now get their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine at an Island Health mass immunization clinic without an appointment.
With vaccine supply increasing, Island Health is able to provide a limited number of walk-in appointments each day at mass immunization clinics, and expand the number of appointments available for booking across Vancouver Island. The availability of walk-in spots is dependent on the daily vaccine supply available at each clinic. To ensure your vaccination appointment, please register and book your appointment through the provincial Get Vaccinated system.
Walk-in appointments are available for first doses only. People in need of a second dose must book an appointment through the provincial Get Vaccinated booking system.
For more information about Island Health clinic locations and hours: www.islandhealth.ca
To register or book a vaccination appointment please go to www.getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca.
For answers to common questions about the COVID-19 vaccines go to www.immunizebc.ca