Compliments & Complaints

Let us know how we're doing. Your feedback helps us improve the quality of the healthcare system. 


Did you have a good experience? Did a person or team make a positive impact through the care or service they provided? We'd like to hear from you.


If you have a concern about the care you are receiving, it is always best to speak with the person providing the care, or to the manager of that area or service. If that is not feasible, and you feel your expectations were not met, we are committed to working with you to find a reasonable solution. Please see our Making a care complaint page for information about sharing your experience or concerns. 


Island Health's Population and Public Health teams oversee a wide variety of initiatives designed to promote and protect public health. Concerns related to any of the following can be directed to your local Medical Health Officer.  

  • Child care facilities
  • Communicable disease
  • Drinking water
  • Food safety
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Personal service inspections (tattoos, tanning, and piercings)
  • Recreational water (beaches, pools)
  • Sewage
  • Tobacco & vapour retail enforcement, smoke-free space


Allegations regarding privacy breaches (such as the ones in the list below) can be shared with our Information Stewardship, Access & Privacy Office. 

  • Unauthorized access to personal information
  • Unauthorized use of personal information
  • Unauthorized disclosure of personal information


Toll free: 1-877-748-2290


If you have a concern that is not related to the care you received (such as something unlawful, fraudulent or in conflict of interest), you can safely report suspected wrongdoing without fear of retribution. Visit our Report Wrongdoing page for clear definitions of wrongdoing and how you can take steps to report it. 


General questions or feedback can be shared with us at at any time. Please be aware that this email account is not monitored for emergencies.