Patient-Oriented Research Awards

As part of our commitment to building relationships between patients, researchers, healthcare providers, decision-makers and other partners, we provide awards to teams conducting patient-oriented research in the Island Health region.

Comox Valley Dementia Care Competitions (Closed)

This call for applications developed out of a research priority-setting workshop held in Comox in September 2023. The workshop brought people together to identify the community’s top priorities around aging well, dementia, and long-term care. Those priorities are:

  • Staying at Home Longer
  • Caregiver Supports and Respite
  • Dementia-Friendly Communities
  • Navigating Supports


These competitions seek to: 

  • support teams in the Comox Valley who are piloting dementia care POR projects aligned with a research priority area (projects may also impact the larger Island Health region).
  • provide students with training and support in the principles and practice of patient-oriented research, create opportunities for collaboration, and build capacity.


  • Pilot Grants (1 year) – a total of $60,000 is available to support projects in priority areas, to a maximum of $30,000 per project. 
  • Fellowships (1 year) – a total of $50,000 is available to support full-time undergraduate and/or Masters’ students at up to $10,000 and PhD students at up to $15,000.

Funding for these competitions has been sponsored by the Comox Valley Community Foundation, who made a generous contribution from the Robert and Florence Filberg Fund, held at the Vancouver Foundation, and facilitated by the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.


Pilot Grants:

  • The Lead Applicant must be a researcher, clinician, allied health professional, or healthcare decision maker whose host-institution is located in the Island Health region and eligible to hold funding. If the Lead Applicant is from another organization or health region, an Island Health employee or affiliated health professional must be co-lead.
  • The research team must include at least one member from each of the following groups: patient partners (people with lived experience of dementia), researchers, healthcare professionals or clinicians, and healthcare decision-makers. 


  • Applicants must be enrolled in, or accepted to, an undergraduate or graduate program at a Vancouver Island postsecondary institution by the award date (August 1, 2024) and must be undertaking or planning to undertake dementia care-related undergraduate or graduate research.
  • Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students.


Application Deadline

Monday, May 27, 2024 at 4 p.m. 

Application Review

May - July, 2024

Notification of Results

July 15, 2024

Award Start-date

August 1, 2024

Award End-date

August 1, 2025


Application Forms

Graduate Student POR Fellows 2021-2022 (Closed)

The Island Centre’s Graduate Fellowships provide students with training and support in the principles and practice of patient-oriented research, create opportunities for collaboration, and build capacity for patient-oriented research. 14 Graduate POR Fellows were funded in 2021-22.