Providing health promotion, disease prevention, intervention, and support services for children, youth and families living in the Esquimalt and View Royal areas.
- Perinatal Services
- Right from the Start – Universal registration for Public Health Nursing supports and services for pregnant people and new parents, their babies, children, and families. Nurses guide clients as they navigate potential challenges with pregnancy and parenthood. Visit Right From The Start to learn more.
- Postpartum Support – Telephone contact with all new parents and home visits, as identified. Parents are welcome to call our office with any questions regarding postpartum or infant/child health. Baby scales are available during office hours to weigh your baby.
- Breastfeeding Support – Please call to book an appointment with a Public Health Nurse.
- Baby Talk – Mondays 10 - 11:30 a.m. An informal drop-in education and discussion group for parents of babies under 1 year old. Call for more information: 250-519-5311.
- Postpartum Wellness Support Group – Registered and confidential peer support group for postpartum people experiencing postpartum depression/anxiety or adjustment difficulties. Facilitated by Public Health Nurses, group members connect, share their journey, and explore helpful tools and resources. Call for more information: 250-519-5311.
- Baby Bed Program – A safe sleep initiative providing a safe bed for your baby.
- Services for Children and Youth
- Child Health Clinics & Immunization Clinics – Offers publicly funded immunizations to infants and school-aged children. Growth monitoring and health/developmental assessments are offered for children under 2yrs. Please call to book an appointment: 250-519-5311.
- Parenting Support – Parents can call to access information on topics such as child safety, growth and development, nutrition, and parenting.
- Developmental Screening – For children and referrals to other agencies or services, as needed.
- Youth Clinics – Free, confidential services for youth. Connect with a nurse in a welcoming, safe, and respectful environment. Services include: pregnancy testing and counseling, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI), birth control and/or ECP (emergency contraceptive pill), free condoms, referrals to other agencies such as mental health / counseling or medical specialists.
Visit the Youth Clinics page to learn more. Clinics are currently held at:
Esquimalt High
Tuesday 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. During the school year you can drop in during these hours, the clinic is located in the medical room.Esquimalt Health Unit (for Esquimalt High students)
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (during school holidays at 530 Fraser Street, Victoria). Call for an appointment 250-519-3511 or drop in during these hours.- School-based immunization clinics – School Aged Immunizations.
- Comprehensive School Health – Public Health Nurses support schools to adopt a comprehensive school health approach to addressing the health needs of our school population and to provide linkages between schools and community resources. Learn more on the School Age Children (5 to 19 years old) page.
- Audiology services – Hearing Program
- Speech and Development Support Services – Children & Youth Rehabilitation Services
- Dental services – Dental Program
- Provision of teaching materials, pamphlets, videos, and posters
- Services for Adults
- Immunization services – We offer publicly funded immunizations to select groups of adults. Non-funded immunizations or for immunizations required for travel purposes please contact local pharmacies or a travel clinic.
- COVID-19 and Influenza Immunization Clinics – visit Get Vaccinated or call 1-833-838-2323 for more information.
- Harm Reduction Services – Naloxone training and harm reduction supplies available.
- Online Resources
- Prenatal Registration (you may self refer) for access to Public Health resources for best health outcomes for birthing parent and baby.
- Baby’s Best Chance Resource for pregnant parents and baby’s first 6 months.
- Toddlers First Steps Resource for parents or guardians of infants and toddlers 6 months to 36 months old.
- Smart Parent Text messaging program to guide you through pregnancy and first year of parenting.
- HealthLinkBC - Evidence based information about vaccines for BC Residents.
530 Fraser St
Victoria, B.C.
V9A 6H7
Fax: 250-519-5312
Flu Hotline: 250-544-7676 ext. 27545
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed 12 - 1 p.m.
Closed on weekends and statutory holidays