Applications are now open for the Fall 2025 intake, apply by May 15!
If you’re a high school student, aged 15 to 18, interested in an exciting and challenging volunteer role and gaining experience in a healthcare environment, we invite you to apply!
How to Apply
Please fill out our Step Up Youth Program - Island Health Volunteer Application form to apply and for more information.
Program Information Session
If you’d like to learn more about the Step Up Youth program, please join us for a virtual information session. We’ll cover basic program information, the volunteer role, and important details and you’ll have a chance to meet program staff and current volunteers to ask any questions you may have.
Information session dates:
Tuesday, March 25 from 5-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 9 from 5:30-6 p.m.
Thursday, May 8 from 7-7:30 p.m.
Sign up here - You’ll receive an email with the meeting link 24 hours before the session.
Application Reminders
Each year we receive a large number of applications for the Step Up Youth program. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. To ensure a fair selection process, we evaluate all applications based on several criteria including the quality of written responses, high school graduation year, application submission date, and interest in pursuing a healthcare-related career.
Before you apply, please ensure you are available for at least one of the offered shifts at your selected site(s).
Review our volunteer shift schedules by site.
We will contact successful applicants by email to schedule interviews after May 15. Interviews will take place in early June and July.
About the Program
The Step Up Youth Program offers Vancouver Island youth (aged 15 to 18) the opportunity to volunteer at select Island Health hospitals and long-term care homes.
Youth volunteers attend weekly shifts and participate monthly in the Step Up Youth Guest Speaker Series. Volunteer roles are centered on practicing Island Health’s C.A.R.E. values (Courage, Aspire, Respect, and Empathy) and positively impact the experience of patients, residents, staff and site visitors. Participants also have the opportunity to learn about careers in healthcare and develop important leadership skills.
This program is perfect for high school aged volunteers who are looking for an exciting and challenging volunteer role in a healthcare environment.
The Step Up Youth Program currently supports 375+ youth at the following locations:
- Alert Bay – Cormorant Island Health Centre
- Campbell River – Campbell River Hospital, Yucalta Lodge Long-Term Care
- Comox Valley – North Island Hospital Comox Valley
- Duncan – Cairnsmore Place Long-Term Care, Cowichan District Hospital
- Nanaimo – Dufferin Long-Term Care, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
- Parksville – Trillium Lodge Long-Term Care
- Port Alberni – West Coast General Hospital, Westhaven Long-Term Care
- Port Hardy – Eagle Ridge Manor Long-Term Care
- Salt Spring – Lady Minto Extended Care Unit
- Tofino – Tofino General Hospital
- Victoria –Royal Jubilee Hospital, Saanich Peninsula Hospital, Priory Long-Term Care, The Summit Long-Term Care, Victoria General Hospital
Program Timeline
The Step Up Youth Program runs from fall to spring each school year. Volunteer shifts are scheduled once weekly after school hours or on weekends depending on location.
Application Timeline
March 1 – Applications open for Fall intake
May 15 – Applications close for Fall intake
August 15 – Deadline to complete volunteer interview and onboarding tasks
Program Contacts
For more information about the Step Up Youth Program, please reach out to
Volunteer Assignment Description
Youth Volunteers: Our Step Up Youth Volunteers enrich the experience of patients and residents through the gift of time, empathy, and companionship. The volunteer role is centred on providing social engagement support to patients and residents. Additional duties such as enhancing staff and visitor experience vary by location and site needs.
Volunteer Team Leaders: Experienced volunteers may advance into leadership roles with the program. In addition to performing the duties of a Youth Volunteer, Volunteer Team Leaders (VTLs) also mentor new volunteers, assist with orientations, and manage attendance for their teams.
Read more about the Volunteer Assignment Description.
Education & Scholarship Opportunities
Training: Youth accepted into our program receive valuable and relevant healthcare training including: infection prevention, cultural safety training, wheelchair handling, effective communication and confidentiality.
Career Education: Through the Step Up Youth Guest Speaker Series, volunteers are introduced to a variety of healthcare topics from healthcare professionals who share information about their careers.
Scholarships: Island Health is proud to offer the Step Up Youth Scholarship Fund for current volunteers. Information about the Award will be released on this website in early spring.
Step Up Youth is also affiliated with the Altruition Scholarship Program.
Bursary: Island Health offers bursary funding to eligible volunteers to help remove financial barriers to participating in the Step Up Youth program. The application process is private and confidential. Funding may be used to support transportation, uniform requirements, or food access.
References: Every year, the Step Up Youth Program supports dozens of volunteers with reference letters for schools, scholarships, bursaries and awards. Volunteers must earn 40 volunteer hours to request a reference letter.
Read about the Step Up Youth Program in the News
- November 2024: Community Kid: Chizara’s Cart
- October 2023: Simulated bus crash helps prepare hospital for the real thing
- August 2023: Spotlight on International Youth Volunteer Day
- June 2023: Island Health Step Up Youth volunteer program a resounding success
- January 2023: Youth Volunteers Receive Naloxone Training
- August 2022: International Youth Day
For more information about the Step Up Youth Program, please reach out to
Cultural Inclusivity
Island Health and Volunteer Resources acknowledge with respect and humility the Coast Salish, Nuu-chah-nulth and Kwakwaka’wakw People on whose unceded traditional territories we offer our services and programs.
Volunteer Resources aims to create an environment where all volunteers feel welcomed, respected and valued.
Indigenous peoples, as the first peoples of Canada, hold a unique place within our history and within our society. The history of cultural assimilation, residential schools and health care is one of the saddest chapters in Canadian history and has had a devastating impact on the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples.
Island Health’s vision for the future embodies respect, understanding, and recognition of Indigenous peoples. The Volunteer Resources and Engagement team is dedicated to recruiting Indigenous youth volunteers to ensure that our volunteers resemble the communities we serve.