Research & Capacity Building

Island Health's purpose includes innovation, teaching and research. Our department supports research across the region to improve health and promote wellness in our communities.

Get all the latest highlights and accomplishments in our 2023 Research in Review.


Explore our services or submit a request for research support.


Health research needs you to make a difference! Get involved as a study participant, patient partner, volunteer, or collaborator.


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Important Notices

February 2024: New Federal Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern

The Federal Government has released a Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern. This policy will impact researchers making new applications for funding through the federal granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).

The policy outlines Sensitive Technology Research Areas and Named Research Organizations (NRO). The NRO list is composed of research organizations and institutions that pose the highest risk to Canada’s national security due to their direct, or indirect connections with military, national defence, and state security entities. Research grant and funding applications submitted by a university or affiliated research institution to the federal granting councils and the CFI involving research that advances a sensitive technology research area will not be funded if any of the researchers involved in activities supported by the grant are affiliated with, or in receipt of funding or in-kind support from, an NRO.

More information:

August 2021: Resumption of All Research at Island Health

We announce the full resumption of all research at Island Health (including in-person research) in alignment with Step 3 of BC’s Restart plan. Please refer to this notice for further information.

June 2020: Gradual Resumption of non-COVID-19 Research

Island Health Research is focused on reducing risks for research participants and the public, and on proactively ensuring that resources are prioritized and available to support the COVID-19 response.

We are now starting the gradual resumption of non-COVID-19 research at Island Health. Please refer to this notice for further information. To assist researchers with their applications, refer to this update about research ethics review, and resumption of research at Island Health.

Researchers submitting a COVID-19 clinical research ethics application that includes or intends to include Island Health must notify the Manager of Clinical Research by email to at the time of submission to support coordination and planning. Please read this notice for further details.