Read articles on building resilience in children; how loneliness impacts health; tips and recipes for healthy to-go lunches; information about IBD and a feature about patient partners.
The summer issue of Island Health magazine includes information on the COVID vaccine; a feature on planning ahead for retirement; Primary Care Networks explained and an in-depth look at the drug-poisoning crisis and some of the projects taking place as part of Island Health’s response.
Island Health magazine spring 2021 features articles on COVID-19 including a look back at the past year. Also included are articles on the health benefits of spending time in nature, memory loss and aging, and a moving article about one family’s journey with hospice care.
This issue offers COVID-19 safety tips, an article about prescribed opioid use, an introduction to Dawn Thomas, our new VP for Indigenous Health & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the first in our series from Public Health on Climate Change and much more.
The Winter 2020 issue of Island Health magazine encourages readers to live their healthiest life. Read features on how to keep your resolutions; re-thinking “diets” and some delicious soup recipes. Also included in this issue are articles about the stigma of mental illness and an Island Health Research project on dementia.
The fall issue of Island Health magazine includes articles on Active Transportation, Recovery Success Stories and Handling Bats. This issue also features articles on Handling the Holidays including the Importance of Self-Care and Lightening up your Holiday Dinner.
The summer edition of Island Health magazine features articles on social anxiety disorder; adult day programs; communicating with someone with dementia; and youth and vaping. It also features summer safety tips and recipes and ideas for dining "al fresco."
Read the spring edition of Island Health magazine featuring articles on Canada's new food guide; scoliosis resources; bereavement after a medically assisted death; immunizations, volunteers, foundations and research.
Featuring articles on the benefits of physical activity; the importance of being active as a family; recipes for a healthy eating start to the new year and information on Island Health resources including helpful videos for dementia patient caregivers and how to receive care if you believe you have experienced a sexual assault.