
Beat the heat as temperatures rise across Island Health

VANCOUVER ISLAND – With temperatures forecast to rise across Vancouver Island, it’s important to know the risks associated with excessive heat and take precautions to stay safe and healthy.  Island Health is reminding people to be aware of the symptoms of heat-related illness, check-in on those a

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Comfort pack donations for survivors

Vancouver Island - The Nanaimo Forensic Nurse Examiner program received 70 pre-packed patient comfort kits from a group of six friends who are putting compassion into action.

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Critical Care Outreach Teams support patients and staff

Vancouver Island - Patient care is being bolstered by an initiative led by Intensive Care Unit staff at Island Health hospitals.

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North Island Hospital heliport flight testing

As part of North Island Hospital heliport activation, Island Health will be conducting flight tests at the Comox Valley and Campbell River heliports on Tuesday, July 17th.

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Intensive residential treatment beds for addictions open in the Comox Valley

Comox Valley - Clients needing longer term, residentially-based addictions treatment services can now access 11 intensive residential treatment beds at the Comox Valley Recovery Centre.

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New hospital will help people in the Cowichan Valley access quality health care

To provide better health care for a growing region of the province, the B.C. government has greenlit a new hospital for the Cowichan Valley.

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Five tips for safer drug use at festivals

Vancouver Island - Island Health is urging everyone to be vigilant if they choose to consume substances at festivals this summer. Many substances (i.e.

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Island Health Magazine Summer 2018

The summer issue of Island Health magazine features summer safety information along with grilling tips and healthy recipes for the BBQ. Our wellness feature looks at the benefits of a good night’s sleep and how to get it.

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Currents Spring 2018

Hon. Minister Adrian Dix, unlock the potential of food, The Wellspace, what is meditation all about, screening emotional health of stroke patients and more.

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Local invention improves infection control, speeds repairs/renovations at North Island Hospital

Comox Valley/Campbell River - The North Island Hospital has become the testing ground for an innovative technique that could bring huge savings in hospital maintenance costs and repair times while reducing impacts to patient care.

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