
Hepatitis A in Western Family brand pineapple chunks

Sidney & Duncan – Hepatitis A immunizations will be offered in the coming days to eligible members of the general public who have consumed certain packages of Western Family brand of ready-to-eat pineapple chunks from Save-On Food stores in Duncan and Sidney, BC.

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Pediatric Asthma Peak is Coming Soon

Vancouver Island – Circle September 22, 2017 on your calendar. That’s the day when asthma hospitalization rates for school-aged children will peak across Canada.

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Top award celebrates career of Ucluelet nurse

UCLUELET – Algonquin College is recognizing Island Health Community Health Nurse Frederick Montpetit with a special award for his 16 years of exemplary nursing and health care leadership.

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North Island Hospital Campbell River & District opens Sunday, September 10th

The new North Island Hospital Campbell River & District will open on Sunday, September 10, 2017.

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The Secret Nail

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. When simple truths and treasures, hidden away in plain sight, are revealed to those willing to appreciate them; when common becomes special, and magic is revealed within the mundane.

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Back to school tips to combat anxiety and stress

Vancouver Island – School starts next week and while some children may be excited to see friends and get back into a routine, other children will feel anxious and worried. 

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Healthy start tips as school year begins

Vancouver Island – Water is the key to a healthy start as we head back to school. Children should be hydrated and their best defence against bringing home colds and flus is proper hand washing.

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Possible exposure to tuberculosis prompts precautionary measure

Duncan – An active case of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has been confirmed at Sunridge Place in Duncan and Island Health is following up with all those who may be at risk to ensure they are assessed. Follow up through contact tracing has already begun.

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Safe drug use at festivals

Music festivals can be the highlight of the summer. Since more than music is shared at these events, if you do use drugs, follow a few simple steps to stay safe. We know many drugs are contaminated with fentanyl, increasing the possibility an overdose (i.e.

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Supervised Consumption Services approved for Victoria

Victoria – Island Health has been given approval by Health Canada to open a supervised consumption service (SCS) in Victoria. The service will help reverse overdoses and connect people with treatment services in Victoria, which has B.C.’s third highest rate of drug overdose deaths.

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