“Dad, I have cancer”: A father’s plea to protect youth from HPV

March 4 is International HPV Awareness Day. The Victoria father is turning his grief into action, urging parents and caregivers to get their children vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that can lead to several types of cancer, including penile, throat, and cervical. 
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Island Health nurses honoured by First Nation

The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation held an uplifting feast on January 11, to give thanks for the recovery of an elder who experienced a life threatening illness. Three Island Health nurses were honoured and blanketed by family members for the excellent care they provided.
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Winter wellness tips

As the mercury dips, the winter season can bring increased health risks due to cold temperatures, snowfall, flooding, and power outages. To help everyone stay healthy and safe over the season, Island Health is providing some wellness reminders.
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