
Celebrating Healthcare Auxiliaries Day on May 7th

From gift shops to providing patient comforts, from raising money operating thrift stores to donating towards essential hospital equipment, healthcare auxiliaries are hard at work across Island Health.

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Cowichan STEPS program winner of prestigious national award

An innovative program that allows Cowichan residents to transition temporarily between hospital and home has received a prestigious national award.

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Screening success: Island Health’s newborn hearing screening program celebrates a milestone

Two decades ago, Richard Borton was one of the very first Vancouver Island babies to benefit from a new hearing screening program at Island Health – one that ended up setting the standard for a provincial initiative that has since benefited hundreds of thousands of newborns.

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Community Service Award winners highlight homelessness, mental health

A teen who started a foundation to raise awareness about homelessness and a college student whose journey with mental illness and recovery is revealed in a local documentary are the winners of Island Health’s 2022 MHSU Community Service Awards. 

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X-ray services temporarily unavailable at Port Alice Health Centre

Due to a technical issue with the X-ray machine, X-ray services are temporarily unavailable at Port Alice Health Centre (PAHC).

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Lady Minto emergency department expansion underway

A $12.8 million emergency department expansion project at Lady Minto Hospital has been launched with an official ground breaking ceremony.

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Island Health Post COVID-19 Recovery Clinic offers hope for patients with long COVID

A healthy, active 28 year old with no pre-existing conditions, Sarah Mitchell tested positive for COVID-19 only weeks before she was eligible for her first vaccination.

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An anniversary without celebration

Sadly, the drug poisoning crisis continues. Innovative actions are underway to address this complex issue.

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Liver Care Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital first of its kind in B.C.

Early in 2021, Dr. Mc Ardle, Dr. Murray–Guenther, and Dr. Rohit Pai initiated a pilot project that eventually transitioned into a formal liver care clinic staffed by two internal medicine physicians, a nurse, social worker and dietician.

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Currents Spring 2022

This issue features photos and stories about Celebration of Excellence awards, health-care heroes that are helping Ukraine, IHealth’s steady progress and how a whole community team brought vaccines to rural and remote communities.

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