In this edition we feature: "staycation" ideas for families, summer safety tips, tobacco-free sports and we discuss how to search for trustworthy health information online. We also provide some tasty recipes that showcase fresh summer fruits and veggies. Enjoy!
Health Care Hero Heather Dunne, Indigenous Week, emergency preparedness in the Comox Valley, our participation in Nanaimo's first ever LGBT parade, and more.
This edition we feature: the health benefits of happiness; disaster preparedness; childhood immunizations; forensic nurses--objective collectors of evidence; what to do for someone in crisis; as well as tasteful taco recipes for spring.
Healthy eating: the importance of family meals and ideas for school lunches your kids will actually eat. Older drivers with dementia; obsessive compulsive disorder; the benefit of telling life-stories for seniors and those at end of life.
Sleep: important for mind, body and mood; help for teens with substance use issues; active transportation; flu shot. Check out our recipes—all apples all the time.
Retirement readiness, walking for health, texting teens, summertime safety, weight-loss surgery, First Nations and more. Check out our tips and recipes for safe and tasty outdoor eating.