
As of March 28, 2025, masks are no longer mandatory in our facilities. If you are feeling unwell, we encourage you to wear a mask and practice healthy habits, including:

  • Clean your hands often using soap and warm water or use alcohol-based hand rub
  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow instead of your hands
  • Stay away from people when feeling sick or who are at higher risk of serious illness

For more information, please read BC Government's guidance on masking.

How to wear a face mask

Watch this video or view the how to wear a face mask poster.

News & Events

Walk-in availability makes it easy for families to get immunized heading into the holiday season

Walk-in availability makes it easy for families to get immunized heading into the holiday season

Now is the best time to get your influenza and COVID-19 immunizations to provide protection as we head into the holiday season and gather with loved ones.

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Child getting immunized at an Island Health facility

Reducing barriers and increasing access supports families to get immunized

For physicians Aaron Childs and Sonja Mathes, vaccinating their three children is a matter of course. 

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Child and mother

Children under five years now eligible to register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Beginning August 2, 2022, all people over the age of six months in B.C. can now receive protection against the COVID-19 virus, following Health Canada’s approval of the vaccine specifically formulated for children between the ages of six months and five years old.

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