Patient Education & Rehabilitation Resources
You play a key role in preparing for and recovering from surgery. The following resources and videos relay important information that will help you prepare for your surgery. The resources provide detailed instructions on what to expect before and after your surgery and what equipment needs to be ordered in advance so you are well prepared.
Getting Ready for Surgery guides
- Getting Ready for and Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery
- Getting Ready for and Recovering from Knee Replacement Surgery
The Physiotherapy Voucher Program
The Physiotherapy Voucher Program allows people who have had non-complex hip or knee replacement surgery to attend a private practice physiotherapy clinic to help with recovery.
If eligible, you will receive a Physiotherapy Voucher from a physiotherapist at the hospital where you had your surgery before you are discharged. Learn more about The Physiotherapy Voucher Program.
General rehabilitation education videos for hip or knee replacement surgery
These videos provide general rehabilitation information that will help you prepare for and recover from hip or knee replacement surgery.
There may be specific information for your type of surgery, your surgeon or the hospital where you will have your surgery. You will get this specific information during your pre-op class.
Tips for watching videos
To watch any video on this page in full screen, click the icon shown below on the video you wish to watch.
Clicking the same icon again will return it to normal size.
Watch the whole video series
Watch individual videos
- Preparing for your Hip or Knee Surgery (1/11)
- Recovering from your Hip or Knee Surgery (2/11)
- Moving from Sit to Stand after your Knee or Hip Surgery (3/11)
- Bed Transfers after your Hip or Knee Surgery (4/11)
- Positions for Lying Down after your Hip or Knee Surgery (5/11)
- Dressing after your Hip or Knee Surgery (6/11)
- Walking after your Hip or Knee Surgery (7/11)
- Navigating Stairs after your Hip or Knee Surgery (8/11)
- Bath Transfers after your Hip or Knee Surgery (9/11)
- Toilet Transfers after your Hip or Knee Surgery (10/11)
- Car Transfers after your Hip or Knee Surgery (11/11)