- REDCap Data Management
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a versatile data management tool that supports innovation, research, quality improvement, surveys, and health services management within Island Health.
- New user? Request a REDCap project estimate. Note: REDCap services are available for Island Health employees, affiliates, and collaborators.
- Current user? Log in to REDCap:
Check out our videos on how to use REDCap, or get inspired by these innovative REDCap projects.
- REDCap Training & Resources
We provide training sessions on a regular basis, and organize a REDCap Day event once a year, where users present their latest projects.
- View upcoming training sessions.
- Check out previous recordings and learn how to use REDCap.
- Get inspired by these innovative REDCap projects.
- Check out the REDCap Training Materials portal.
- Peruse the Creative Uses Repository.
- Research Data Management Strategy
Island Health’s Research Data Management Strategy seeks to make data more available, accessible, interoperable, and reusable over a multi-year horizon. Our strategy is designed to foster a culture that supports researchers in understanding and adopting responsible and respectful practices in the collection, protection, use, and management of data. Read the strategy.
- Access to Island Health Data for Research
- Watch this video about the lifecycle of data at Island Health.
- Make a request via this Data Request Form. Please note that data cannot be provided for research purposes prior to Institutional approval. When approved, data is provided on a cost-recovery basis.
- Portage Data Management Plan Assistant
Island Health is a member of the Digital Research Alliance, which provides tools and templates for researchers who are building Data Management Plans (DMP) through the Portage DMP Assistant, a national, online, bilingual data management planning tool.
To access Portage, Island Health employees and affiliates can create an account and type Vancouver Island Health Authority into the field for organization.
- Statistical Services
Our biostatistician offers a complementary initial consultation, guidance on study methodology, and analysis of data sets. Analysis carries a cost-recovery charge of $75 per hour.
Contact Victor.Espinosa@islandhealth.ca for information.
Contact Information
General Inquiries & Support:
Victor Espinosa
250-519-7700 ext. 13198