Collect and Manage Data

REDCap Data Management

Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a versatile data management tool that supports innovation, research, quality improvement, surveys, and health services management within Island Health.

Check out our videos on how to use REDCap, or get inspired by these innovative REDCap projects.

REDCap Training & Resources

We provide training sessions on a regular basis, and organize a REDCap Day event once a year, where users present their latest projects.

Research Data Management Strategy

Island Health’s Research Data Management Strategy seeks to make data more available, accessible, interoperable, and reusable over a multi-year horizon. Our strategy is designed to foster a culture that supports researchers in understanding and adopting responsible and respectful practices in the collection, protection, use, and management of data. Read the strategy.

Access to Island Health Data for Research
Portage Data Management Plan Assistant

Island Health is a member of the Digital Research Alliance, which provides tools and templates for researchers who are building Data Management Plans (DMP) through the Portage DMP Assistant, a national, online, bilingual data management planning tool.

To access Portage, Island Health employees and affiliates can create an account and type Vancouver Island Health Authority into the field for organization.

Statistical Services

Our biostatistician offers a complementary initial consultation, guidance on study methodology, and analysis of data sets. Analysis carries a cost-recovery charge of $75 per hour.

Contact for information.

Contact Information

General Inquiries & Support:

Victor Espinosa
250-519-7700 ext. 13198