Find Funding

Looking for funding to support research or knowledge translation? We can help! 

View internal or external funding opportunities.

Submit a Notice of Intent

Going for an external grant? Island Health employees are required to submit a Notice of Intent.

  • You are the Principal Applicant on a grant application, with Island Health as your primary institutional affiliation or;
  • You are the Island Health lead on the grant application (as co-applicant, collaborator, etc.)

Once we receive your notification, we can connect you with the right people and departments, help you develop your budget, and request letters of support on your behalf.

Develop a Budget and Request Letters of Support


We perform cost-analyses of research protocols and negotiate costs with other departments and external vendors, and we advise, manage, reconcile and report on study budgets. We help develop budgets for grant applications, including in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions are non-monetary or cash equivalent resources that can be given a cash value. They may be a budget requirement in a grant application, or they may be included to show organizational support for the project.

Learn more in our in-kind toolkit.

Letters of Support 

We can assist external researchers in requesting letters from Island Health to support grant applications aligned with our strategic priorities. Requests must be made at least three weeks in advance of the application deadline through this form


All research contracts at Island Health are managed through our department. We implement, review and negotiate a range of research-related agreements for staff, students and contractors, including:

  • Investigator or industry-sponsored research contracts
  • Data Sharing/Data Access Agreements
  • Confidential Disclosure Agreements
  • Material Transfer Agreements
  • Clinical Trial Agreements
  • Sub-grants/Sub-awards
  • Research Support Agreements
  • Professional Service Agreements