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Pay parking resumes March 4, 2022
Effective March 4, 2022, pay parking will resume at all Island Health sites that previously had pay parking in place.
Our centre has an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, made up of seating physical therapists, and seating technicians, that comprehensively assesses clients for their wheelchair and adaptive seating and positioning needs. We also involve the client's family and referring primary therapists. Technical assessments for seating systems and assistive devices are conducted through a clinic and/or client-centred appointment.
The goal of our seating clinic is to provide appropriate, effective, and functional seating and mobility systems for each client. To do this, clinic staff work closely with clients, family members, physicians, therapists, vendors, and all other members of the client's care team.
The initial assessment involves a client interview and physical evaluation, during which the following information is obtained: client goals and reasons for coming to the clinic, prior medical history, present level of function with daily living activities, description of home environment, transportation, prior use of mobility systems, funding, and orthopaedic issues. Using this information, our staff can then offer appropriate wheelchairs for trial during a subsequent client visit.
The next step is to prescribe an appropriate mobility device. Because of the wide array of seating products and mobility systems available, clients must receive education on the different options before suitable equipment is determined. In addition to helping clients select the appropriate device, we can order and install additional equipment and custom-built requirements.
Selecting the appropriate wheelchair and/or seating system is crucial to improving client function. For example, chair selection can make the difference between transferring independently and needing assistance. In general, this education process is ongoing throughout client care. To provide excellent services, we believe it is important to actively involve clients and/or caregivers in the device selection process.
We provide warranty work for all our seating systems. Maintenance and repairs to wheelchairs are done on a fee-for-service basis.
We do prepare estimates and funding letters required by any third-parties who support the purchase of your device.