Community Care Facilities Inspection FAQs

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What is a licensed care facility?

A licensed community care facility is a facility that provides care and services for three or more persons (children, youth, adults and seniors) who are vulnerable based on their age or are dependent on caregivers for continuing assistance, supervision and daily care.

What is the role of the Licensee?

The Licensee is responsible for ensuring that the facility complies with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and Residential Care Regulations or the Child Care Licensing Regulation. They may delegate this responsibility to the Manager of the facility who would be responsible for the day to day operation of the facility. 

What is the role of Island Health's Licensing Program?

The Community Care Facilities Licensing program is responsible for monitoring compliance of licensed facilities to the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA) and Regulations. Licensing Officers monitor facilities through an inspection process. Licensing Officers also perform other duties outlined in the CCALA including investigating complaints, reviewing new applications, and considering exemption requests.

Why is the government requiring web-based public reporting on licensed care facilities?

The government made a commitment to “build the best system of support in Canada for persons with disabilities, those with special needs, children at risk, and seniors.” The five Health Authority Licensing Programs (Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health, Interior Health, Northern Health and Island Health), in partnership with the Ministry of Health Services, have implemented web-based posting of routine inspections and investigation information.

Public reporting is important because it will strengthen public accountability and transparency.

Other jurisdictions already have public reporting. For example, Ontario, several US and Australian states and the UK post reports on the web in various formats.

The goal is to provide everyone with accessible information about community care facilities.

This website contains information collected on residential care facilities under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and Residential Care Regulations. If you do not find a facility you are looking for, it may not be a licensed facility and either governed by the Office of the Assisted Living Registrar or under the Hospital Act.  

List of Facilities under the Hospital Act.

Can I choose and apply for a residential care home or child day care for my loved one from the website?

No. Information on this website is intended as an early step to help consumers gather information about residential care facilities and child care facilities. The Island Health Home and Community Care program conducts assessments to determine your eligibility, and help you complete an application and select a residential care facility. You are also encouraged to visit each community care facility that you are considering before making a final decision.

What do the inspection reports tell me?

The website is a searchable database of all residential care facilities and child care facilities licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. You can find facilities within a desired area and view information about a facility, such as the facility’s address, capacity, contact information and routine inspection findings and follow-up to routine inspection findings.

The information provided on the website is NOT enough to determine if a facility is the best one for you or your loved one. You are also encouraged to visit each community care facility that you are considering before making a final decision.

What will the website reports not tell me?

Posted inspection reports will not:

  • recommend a facility to you
  • rank or rate homes against one another
  • issue a report card that grades facilities on their current status in meeting the current regulations
  • provide information on complaints
  • provide information on inspections that are not routine inspections
Can I register a concern/complaint through this website?

Please contact the Licensing Office with a concern or complaint.

Contact Information

Are the facilities’ ranked or rated on this website?

No. The Ministry of Health Services and health authorities are providing the public with access to routine inspection information about the performance of each facility operator in meeting Ministry legislation and regulations for a specified period of time.

Facilities are inspected to ensure they meet the minimum requirements laid out in Community Care and Assisted Living ActResidential Care Regulations or Child Care Regulations.

How often are facilities inspected?

Licensing staff prioritize work according to risk–investigations, inspections, applications, exemptions, etc. Facilities with a history of non-compliance receive more frequent routine inspections. This website reflects routine inspections and follow up inspections related to routine inspections and summaries of complaint investigations with confirmed violations or deficiencies found during the complaint investigation process.

How do I access information on complaints/investigations?

Please contact the Licensing Office.

Where does the information on the website come from?

Information comes from the Community Care Facilities Licensing Program in Island Health.

Is the information on the website current?

The information on the website is updated daily on a regular basis.

Who issues inspection findings?

Island Health's Licensing Officers issue inspection findings during visits to residential care facilities or child care facilities. An inspection report will identify if a Licensee is not compliant with the minimum Ministry of Health legislation or regulations.

My relative is at a facility that is not listed on this website - why can’t I find it?

My relative is at a facility that is not listed on this website - why can’t I find it?

Some care facilities that operate under the Office of the Assisted Living Registrar or under the Hospital Act. List of Facilities under the Hospital Act.

If a child day care provider cares for only two children that are not related to the care provider, they are not required to hold a community care facility license. 

How do I know that items from the routine inspection identified as needing correction have been resolved?

As items are addressed by the Licensee, they will not appear on the routine follow-up inspection report. Any items that have not been addressed will still appear; you will see the date and the type of follow-up inspection report that was completed.

General Information on Community Care Facilities Inspection FAQs

Referral Required?
Not required

Learn About Community Care Facilities Licensing

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