Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

Seasonal influenza, often called the flu, is a serious infectious and contagious respiratory illness. You can spread the flu 24 hours before showing any symptoms and five days after symptoms begin. 

Immunization is the best protection against the flu.

Getting a flu vaccine is particularly important this year, not only for preventing the flu but also to stay healthy during respiratory illness season. Continue to wash your hands frequently, stay home when you are sick and follow provincial prevention guidelines. This flu season, most people 6 months and older are eligible for a free flu vaccine in B.C.

Find more information on flu vaccines on the BC Government website or HealthLinkBC.

Community Vaccine Providers

Please visit Immunization Information for Healthcare Professionals for more information.

Where to get the flu vaccine in your community

As part of the fall campaign, people can get their flu vaccine at the same time as their COVID-19 vaccine in most locations. 

Public Health and Community Pharmacies Clinics

Starting October 8, invitations to book an appointment for COVID-19 and/or influenza vaccines will be sent through the Get Vaccinated system. If you haven’t already register online. Once registered, you will receive a text, phone call or e-mail when it’s your turn to book an appointment.

Age Vaccine Providers How To Book An Appointment Reminders
6 months to 11 years Public Health or Community Pharmacy (some pharmacies offer flu vaccine for those 2 years and older) Get your flu and COVID-19 immunizations
  • Bring your BC Services Card (or other government ID) to your appointment
  • Wear a short-sleeved shirt
12 years + Community Pharmacy or Public Health Get your flu and COVID-19 immunizations
  • Bring your BC Services Card (or other government ID) to your appointment
  • Wear a short-sleeved shirt
Rural and Remote Communities

Between October 24 to November 29, 2023, Island Health’s immunization teams will visit specific remote communities in Island Health to provide Flu and COVID-19 vaccine for all eligible people. Appointments are required to receive the Flu and COVID-19 vaccine at an Island Health clinic or at one of the many pharmacies now participating in the immunization effort.

Non-B.C. Residents

Community pharmacists are only able to immunize B.C. residents (those with a Personal Health Number). Non-B.C. residents can call the provincial call centre 1-833-838-2323 (toll free) to book an appointment with a public health clinic or unit. Vaccines may include a fee.

Other Community Vaccine Providers

Some primary care providers and other community vaccine providers will offer COVID-19 vaccines starting in mid-late October. Contact your primary care provider or other vaccine provider for more information. 

Homebound Clients

Island Health residents who are homebound may be able to receive their immunization at home by Community Health Services nurses. If you are already receiving services from Community Health Services  (Home Support, Home Care Nursing, etc.) contact your office to discuss if a homebound immunization is appropriate. If you are not receiving services, you can call the Community Access Line in your region to learn how they can help you and your family members. 


News & Events

group of children lying in a circle

Whooping cough resurgence prompts vaccination reminder

With the resurgence of a vaccine-preventable disease in Canada, Island Health Public Health is encouraging everyone to ensure they’re up to date with their vaccinations.

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measles on hands

Improving measles immunization rates to prevent outbreaks

With measles circulating internationally, Island Health is encouraging everyone to ensure their routine immunizations are up to date to lift collective immunization rates this National Immunization Awareness Week (April 22 to 30).

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Walk-in availability makes it easy for families to get immunized heading into the holiday season

Walk-in availability makes it easy for families to get immunized heading into the holiday season

Now is the best time to get your influenza and COVID-19 immunizations to provide protection as we head into the holiday season and gather with loved ones.

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