The Division of Neurology, in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of British Columbia and the B.C. Stroke Strategy, is working to establish a regional stroke program, centred out of the Victoria General Hospital. In addition, the Campbell River Regional Hospital has developed an outpatient stroke clinic that works with patients to prevent strokes and manage risk factors.
The goal of the program is to offer all residents of the Vancouver Island Health Authority with stroke symptoms the opportunity to receive the same level of care.
How it Works
The Acute Stroke Consultation Service is a telephone based consultation system where the Emergency physician from any Island Health hospital can connect to the Neurologist on call.
Neurologists are able to view the imaging and then consult via telephone, or in-person where possible, with the attending physician.
More complex cases may be treated at community hospitals and then transferred to the Victoria General Hospital, or they may be referred to Royal Jubilee Hospital for surgery on the major arteries to the brain.
Should you need rehabilitation, the Regional Stroke Program is also connected with inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. Inpatient rehabilitation services are provided at the Victoria General Hospital and Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Community services also help enhance reintegration of stroke survivors into the community.