The Vancouver Island Children’s Assessment Network (VICAN) provides assessment services for children on Vancouver Island with complex developmental needs such as:
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) for all children up to age six, and for children over six when such services are not provided by the local school district.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in at-risk children showing significant behavioural and developmental difficulties.
Greater Victoria up to the Duncan area generally has assessments completed at the Queen Alexandra Centre in Victoria.
Nanaimo CDC provides assessments via the outreach team that travels to the Comox Valley and Port Hardy areas to complete clinics there.
Explore VICAN Resources for Families for information on a range of topics related to behavioural and developmental difficulties.
Community Partners
PHSA (Provincial Health Services Authority)
Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children
Nanaimo Child Development Centre