Visiting Someone in Hospital

In accordance with Ministry of Health policy, as of January 9, 2025, medical masks are required for health care workers, visitors, contractors and volunteers in patient care areas in health authority–operated facilities, programs and services. Learn more about wearing masks in Island Health facilities.

Looking for visiting hours? Please contact the individual hospital to confirm current visiting hours of the unit you wish to visit. 

Find information about visiting a Long-Term Care or Assisted Living Facility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect when I arrive at an Island Health facility?

Try to arrive a little early for any pre-booked appointments or visits, and allow additional time to enter the facility.

  • There are signs posted at each facility indicating entrance points. For most sites, the Main Entrance is likely to be the best entrance point. 
  • When you arrive:
    • Sanitize your hands 
    • As always – please stay home if you are feeling unwell
What safety measures should I be aware of when I visit?

Before Your Visit 
Talk to the primary nurse or unit clerk before going into the patient’s room to let them know you are there and see if there are any instructions.

During Your Visit with Your Loved One

  • Follow proper infection prevention precautions that the health care staff tells you to follow. 
  • Do not touch your face. 
  • Respect personal space.
  • Before you leave the patient’s room, wash your hands with soap and water. Make sure to wash all hand surfaces and wrists for 20 seconds. If you cannot wash your hands with soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
My loved one is palliative (receiving end-of-life care). Will I be able to visit?

More than two visitors may be allowed at one time in palliative and end-of-life care settings. Special considerations can be accommodated based on the unique care needs of the patient and will be coordinated by the care team.

How many support people are allowed to support a patient in labour/delivery/NICU?

More than two visitors may be allowed at one time for labour and delivery and pediatric care. The care team will consult with family members to support special circumstances. 

Can I phone the hospital and speak to my loved one who is admitted?

Yes. Units will accommodate phone calls as much as possible. 

If your loved one has their own personal cell phone with them, that is probably the best way to reach them.

I am worried that I have COVID-19 or other respiratory infection. Should I come to the hospital?

Visitors with a respiratory infection should not visit the hospital. Only patients who experience severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing, should come to hospital to receive care. 

  • Most respiratory infections can be managed at home and will not require hospitalization. 
  • If you or a loved one is experiencing severe symptoms, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department. 
  • By isolating at home you are helping to reserve our limited critical care resources for those who truly require life-saving supports.
What entrance requirements are there?

Visitors should stay home if they are ill (cough, fever/chills, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea). 

When you arrive, please sanitize your hands before and after your visit.

Learn more about entrance requirements in health care settings.

Can I bring my loved one their personal belongings or food? 

When arranging your visit with the unit, please let them know what you intend to bring – and only bring essential items (e.g., hearing aids, glasses, cell phone/charger) or items required for care. 

  • All non-essential items, such as flowers, gifts, blankets, food and other personal items are not permitted unless the unit leader approves them as essential to the care of the patient. 
What happens if I need to drop off and/or pick up someone who has a scheduled appointment?

When you get to the facility, please check-in with the Ambassador or front desk, who will help you.