Bone Mineral Densitometry is used to estimate the bone mineral content in different parts of the patient’s body using x-rays.
The procedure itself is noninvasive and painless. The patient is asked to lie still and breathe normally. The bone mineral density is compared with a reference database. In conjunction with other risk factors, it is used to estimate fracture risk and to diagnose osteoporosis.
Exam Time
10 to 15 minutes - please note that exam time may vary depending on the procedure.
The procedure is available in the following MI locations:
General Information on Bone Mineral Densitometry
For appointments booked two weeks in advance, the patient should receive a letter in the mail indicating: date, time, location of the appointment, preparation instructions, and a map.
For appointments booked within two weeks, the patient will be contacted directly by the ordering physician's office, or a medical imaging booking clerk, with the necessary information.
The patient is responsible for providing his/her physician with the most current address, home and cell phone numbers in order to receive prompt service.