

Ultrasound scanning is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of various soft tissues of the body.

As sound waves travel through the body, they echo back to the transducer which produces images. During the procedure, the patient lies on the examination table and warm, water-based gel is applied to the skin to allow the ultrasound transducer to couple with the skin and to provide a means of lubrication for sliding the probe over the skin. 

Appointment Information

For appointments booked two weeks in advance, the patient should receive a letter in the mail indicating: date, time, location of the appointment, preparation instructions and a map.

For appointments booked within two weeks, the patient will be contacted directly by the ordering physician's office, or a medical imaging booking clerk, with the necessary information. 

The patient is responsible for providing their physician with the most current address, home and cell phone numbers in order to receive prompt service.

Exam Time

Exams generally take between 15 to 60 minutes. Under certain circumstances the procedure may be prolonged.

The procedure is available in the following MI locations:

See Also

Preparing for Your Visit

For reference, preparation instructions have been included below:


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to the exam.
13 months to 13 years of age: Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the exam.
0 to 12 months of age: Eat and drink regularly, no restrictions.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Abdomen and Pelvis

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat 6 hours prior to the exam. Drink 1 litre (32 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
6 years to 13 years of age: Do not eat 3 hours prior to the exam. Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
13 months to 5 years of age: Do not eat 3 hours prior to the exam. Drink 250 ml (8 fl oz) of water or juice one hour prior to exam. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
0-12 months: Feed up to 250 ml (8 fl oz) of breast milk, formula or water one hour prior to exam. 
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.
No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Abdomen Doppler

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to the exam.
13 months to 13 years of age: Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the exam.
0 to 12 months of age: Eat and drink regularly, no restrictions.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Abdomen Doppler, WCG

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to the exam.
13 months to 13 years of age: Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the exam.
0 to 12 months of age: Eat and drink regularly, no restrictions.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to the exam.
13 months to 13 years of age: Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the exam.
0 to 12 months of age: Eat and drink regularly, no restrictions.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Anal Sphincter

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm Arteries, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm Arteries, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm AV Fistula/Graft Mapping, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm AV Fistula/Graft Mapping, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm Veins, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arm Veins, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Arterial Doppler

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Arterial Pseudoaneurysm Doppler

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Liver

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Liver, NRGH

Please arrive at NRGH Medical Imaging 2 hours prior to have pre-procedure bloodwork drawn. 
Post procedure you will remain with medical imaging nurses for 2 hours for monitoring before being discharged from the department.    
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal biopsy: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal biopsy: No fasting is required.
If you are having a prostate biopsy, ensure that your physician has prescribed you antibiotic prophylaxis.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Liver Fine Needle

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Lymph Node

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No fasting is required.
If you are taking anticoagulants (Blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Biopsy Other

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal biopsy: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam. 
Nonabdominal biopsy: No fasting is required.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Other, NRGH

Please arrive at NRGH Medical Imaging 2 hours prior to have pre-procedure bloodwork drawn. 
Post procedure you will remain with medical imaging nurses for 2 hours for monitoring before being discharged from the department.    
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal biopsy: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal biopsy: No fasting is required.
If you are having a prostate biopsy, ensure that your physician has prescribed you antibiotic prophylaxis.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Pancreas

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat 6 hours prior to your exam. You are allowed to drink clear fluids.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Paracentesis

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat 6 hours prior to your exam. You are allowed to drink clear fluids.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Parotid or Submandibular Gland

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Biopsy Prostate

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 45 to 75 minutes.

If you are having a prostate biopsy, ensure that your physician has prescribed you antibiotic prophylaxis.
Please ensure you have your INR and Platelet bloodwork available prior to your Prostate biopsy appointment, we may not proceed with the biopsy without an INR and Platelet value. Please get appropriate direction and lab work for your INR and antibiotic medication from the ordering Physician.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Renal

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat 6 hours prior to your exam. You are allowed to drink clear fluids.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Biopsy Renal, NRGH

Please arrive at NRGH Medical Imaging 2 hours prior to have pre-procedure bloodwork drawn. 
Post procedure you will remain with medical imaging nurses for 2 hours for monitoring before being discharged from the department.    
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal biopsy: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal biopsy: No fasting is required.
If you are having a prostate biopsy, ensure that your physician has prescribed you antibiotic prophylaxis.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Renal Fine Needle

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Biopsy Thyroid

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Carotid Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Cyst Aspiration

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal: No fasting is required.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Drainage Abscess or Cyst

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal: No fasting is required.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Drainage Chest

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.

Length of exam: 60 minutes.
Length of your stay in the department will vary depending upon when the drain is removed.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Drainage Paracentesis

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.

Length of exam: 60 minutes.
Length of your stay in the department will vary depending upon when the drain is removed.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Endorectal Scan

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Endorectal Scan, NRGH

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

Patient to purchase fleet enema and to administer 1 to 1.5 hours prior to exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Extremity, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Extremity, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Fetal Echo 2D

Arrive 20 minutes prior to the appointment.
Length of exam 45 minutes.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.

Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Finger/Toe PPG

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Guided Amniocentesis

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.

Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Guided Injection

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Head Neonatal

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

A parent is requested to accompany the child.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Head/Neck Soft Tissue

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Hips Infant

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

A parent is requested to accompany the child.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Leg Arteries, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Leg Arteries, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Leg Veins, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Leg Veins, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Abdominal: Have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
Nonabdominal: No fasting is required.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Needle Aspiration Chest

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Non Extremity Soft Tissue

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Obstetrical by Perinatologist

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

Drink 1 litre (32 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Obstetrical for Nuchal Translucency

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

Drink 1 litre (32 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Obstetrical Scan Less than 14 Weeks

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

Drink 1 litre (32 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Obstetrical Scan Over 14 Weeks

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 to 75 minutes.

Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Obstetrical Scan Over 14 wks Limited

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Parotid or Submandibular Glands

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.

14 years and older: Drink 1 litre (32 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
6 years to 13 years of age: Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
13 months to 5 years of age: Drink 250 ml (8 fl oz) of water or juice one hour prior to exam. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
0-12 months: Feed up to 250 ml (8 fl oz) of breast milk, formula or water one hour prior to exam.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Pelvis Specific Endovaginal

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

Please note that an endovaginal ultrasound may be necessary for some examinations. Your technologist will discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Penile Blood Flow

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Please note that a small injection into the penis is required for this test.
No special preparation is required.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Percutaneous Cholecystostomy

If your procedure requires a pre-admission to a short stay bed for a portion of the day, arrive at the hospital admission desk 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you do not require pre-admission, report directly to the Medical Imaging department 20 minutes prior to your scheduled procedure time.
If you are unsure, call the department for clarification.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

Have nothing to eat 6 hours prior to your exam. You are allowed to drink clear fluids.
If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), anti-inflammatories, or platelet inhibiting medication such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen or Warfarin, these medications should be discussed with your ordering physician prior to your appointment.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products

Prostate Transrectal

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

Drink 700 ml (24 fl oz)  of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment time. Do not void prior to your exam

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Renal and Bladder

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

6 years and older: Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
13 months to 5 years of age: Drink 250 ml (8 fl oz) of water or juice one hour prior to exam. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
0-12 months: Feed up to 250 ml (8 fl oz) of breast milk, formula or water one hour prior to exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Renal Doppler

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

14 years and older: Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your exam. If the exam is booked later in the day, do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to the exam.
13 months to 13 years of age: Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the exam.
0 to 12 months of age: Eat and drink regularly, no restrictions.

Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Renal w/ Post Void Views

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

6 years and older: Drink 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water, finishing one hour prior to your appointment. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
13 months to 5 years of age: Drink 250 ml (8 fl oz) of water or juice one hour prior to exam. Do not void prior to your exam. A full bladder is required.
0-12 months: Feed up to 250 ml (8 fl oz) of breast milk, formula or water one hour prior to exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Saphenous Vein Mapping, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Shoulder, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Shoulder, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Spine Pediatric

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

A parent is requested to accompany the child.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Temporal Arteries

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Therapeutic Abortion

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

One adult may accompany you in the scan room for the exam.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Thoracic Outlet Compression

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products


Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 30 minutes.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Varicose Veins, Bilateral

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Varicose Veins, Left or Right

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 45 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

Venous Doppler

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment.
Length of exam: 60 minutes.

No smoking four hours prior to your exam. 
Remove any heavy bandages on your legs. Do not wear compression stockings to your appointment.

No guests are allowed in the scan room unless special assistance is required.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.

General Information on Ultrasound

Referral Required?

Learn About Medical Imaging Services

News & Events

West Coast General Hospital invests in state-of-the-art X-ray technology for enhanced imaging

West Coast General Hospital invests in state-of-the-art X-ray technology for enhanced imaging

The introduction of an advanced X-ray system at West Coast General Hospital is significantly enhancing medical imaging capabilities. This cutting-edge technology replaces the existing X-ray system, improving diagnostic accuracy and patient care.

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Campus Ultrasound entrance

Island Health ultrasound clinic opens at Camosun College

Island Health has partnered with Camosun College to open an outpatient ultrasound clinic embedded within Camosun’s School of Health and Human Services. Campus Ultrasound is the first clinic of its kind in the country to support on-site learning. 

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Tofino General Hospital

Non-urgent X-ray services temporarily unavailable at Tofino General Hospital

Island Health is advising community members and visitors to the area that non-urgent X-ray services will be temporarily unavailable at Tofino General Hospital on January 10 to allow for equipment maintenance.

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