Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive medical imaging test that uses a strong magnetic field, radio waves, and a specialized computer to produce detailed images of internal soft tissue structures of the human body.
The procedure does not use ionizing radiation and is considered to be safe; however, metallic implanted devices within the patient's body may be affected by the magnetic field.
The patient is responsible for providing his/her physician with the most current address, home and cell phone numbers in order to receive prompt service. The patient will be contacted directly by the ordering physician's office, or a medical imaging booking clerk, with the necessary information.
For reference, preparation instructions for specific exams have been included below:
- MRA Abdomen with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
- Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
- A foreign metal body in your eyes
- Pregnancy
- Impaired renal function
- Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician.
You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Aortic Arch/Branches with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
- Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
- A foreign metal body in your eyes
- Pregnancy
- Impaired renal function
- Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician.
You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Aortic Arch/Branches without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
- Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
- A foreign metal body in your eyes
- Pregnancy
- Impaired renal function
- Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician.
You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Brain with contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
- Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
- A foreign metal body in your eyes
- Pregnancy
- Impaired renal function
- Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Brain without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 minutes
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Carotid/Vertebral Arteries with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Carotid/Vertebral Arteries without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Extremity with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Extremity without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Femoral and Renal Arteries with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Femoral and Renal Arteries without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Femoral Arteries with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Femoral Arteries without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Renal Arteries with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRA Renal Arteries without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for your examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Abdomen without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Ankle with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for this examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Ankle without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for this examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Axilla with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
Patients having a Breast MRI should have their exam performed 10 days after their menstrual period. Call the booking department if your exam is booked otherwise.
This is not required for patients with breast implants.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for this examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Axilla without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
Patients having a Breast MRI should have their exam performed 10 days after their menstrual period. Call the booking department if your exam is booked otherwise.
This is not required for patients with breast implants.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Bladder with Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat 4 hours prior to your appointment. Urinate/void once 1 – 2 hours before appointment and then not again until after the scan is done.
Drink 500 mls of water starting 30 min before the examination.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Diabetic patients may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry, hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Depending on clinical/site requirements you may be required to change into hospital clothing.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Bladder without Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Urinate/void once 1 – 2 hours before appointment and then not again until after the scan is done. Drink 500 mls of water starting 30 min before the examination.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Diabetic patients may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry, hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Depending on clinical/site requirements you may be required to change into hospital clothing.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brachial Plexus with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for this examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brachial Plexus without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain and Spine Cervical with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain and Spine Cervical without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain Spectroscopy with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain Spectroscopy without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Brain without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear hair spray, gel or make-up. Your hair must be dry. Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zipper, buttons or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Breast Biopsy with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 2 hours
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions.
Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Breast with Contrast, Bilateral
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 2 hours
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be changed into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Breast with Contrast, Left or Right
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
Ideally patients having a Breast MRI should have their exam performed 7-15 days after their menstrual period. We will try to accommodate to the best of our abilities, but due to certain factors this is always not the case. This is not required to patients with breast implants.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Breast without Contrast, One or Both
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
Ideally patients having a Breast MRI should have their exam performed 7-15 days after their menstrual period. We will try to accommodate to the best of our abilities, but due to certain factors this is always not the case. This is not required to patients with breast implants.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Cervix with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Cervix without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). Youll will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Chest with Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment or earlier if you require additional assistance.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Chest without Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment or earlier if you require additional assistance.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Elbow Arthrogram with Contrast
Arrive 60 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Elbow with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Elbow without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Extremity Other with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Extremity without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Femur with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Femur without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Fetus with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Fetus without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Foot with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Foot without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Forearm with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Forearm without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hand with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hand without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hand/Wrist with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hand/Wrist without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Head Trigeminal with Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Head Trigeminal without Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Heart with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 45 to 90 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Heart without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 45 to 90 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hip Arthrogram with Contrast
Arrive 60 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hip with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Hip without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Humerus with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Humerus without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI IAC/CP Angle with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI IAC/CP Angle without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Knee Arthrogram with Contrast
Arrive 60 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Knee with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Knee without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Lumbar Plexis with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Lumbar Plexis without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI MRCP and Abdomen with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI MRCP and Abdomen without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI MRCP without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Orbits with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Orbits without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Rectum with Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Rectum without Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Pelvis with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Pelvis without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Pituitary with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Pituitary without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Popliteal Entrapment without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Prostate with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Once you have arrive and checked in for your appointment we request that you immediately empty your bladder and bowel. This preparation makes it easier for your doctor to see certain areas on your MRI.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Prostate without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
It is very important that you do not ejaculate. Avoid sexual activity for 3 days prior to the exam. This preparation makes it easier for your doctor to see certain areas on your MRI. Once you have arrive and checked in for your appointment we request that you immediately empty your bladder and bowel. This preparation makes it easier for your doctor to see certain areas on your MRI.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Sacrum and/or SI Joints with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Sacrum and/or SI Joints without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Shoulder Arthrogram with Contrast
Arrive 60 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Shoulder with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Shoulder without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Small Bowel with Contrast
CVH and CRG - Arrive 2 hours prior to your appointment time to have your oral contrast drink.
All other sites - Arrive 1.5 hour prior to your appointment time.
Length of exam: 2 to 3 hours.
Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your appointment.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Diabetic patients: If you take diabetic pills or insulin, the doses of these medications may need to be adjusted prior to your exam as a result of fluid and food restrictions. Consult your doctor prior to your exam for instructions regarding your medication. You may eat and drink up to 2 hours before your exam.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Soft Tissue Neck with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Soft Tissue Neck without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Brachial Plexus with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Brachial Plexus without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Lumbar with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Lumbar without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Thoracic with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical and Thoracic without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: up to 90 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: up to 90 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Cervical without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Lumbar with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Lumbar without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Thoracic and Lumbar with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Spine Thoracic and Lumbar without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Thoracic with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Thoracic without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Thoracolumbar with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Thoracolumbar without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Stealth Localization for OR
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Stereotactic Localization
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Tibia/Fibula with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Tibia/Fibula without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI TM Joints with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 75 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI TM Joints without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Whole Body with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Whole Body without Contrast
Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Wrist Arthrogram with Contrast
Arrive 60 minutes prior to your appointment. If you require additional assitance arive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 45 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Wrist with Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.
- MRI Wrist without Contrast
Arrive 30 min prior to your appointment. If you require additional assistance arrive earlier.
Length of exam: 30 to 60 minutes.
Discuss with your ordering physician if you have any possibility of:
1. Cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clip, neurostimulator, cochlear implant, penile implant
2. A foreign metal body in your eyes
3. Pregnancy
4. Impaired renal function
5. Suffer from claustrophobia
Note: Patients with glucose monitoring devices or insulin pumps will be asked to remove them before the scan. They are MR unsafe and are not allowed in the scanner room.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, we may not be able to perform your exam.
If you have a history of metal embedded in your eyes, or if there is a possibility of metal traces in your eyes - an orbital X-Ray will be required prior to your exam.
The x-ray can be performed at any hospital on Vancouver Island at least 1 hour prior to your appointment and no sooner than a week before your appointment. This x-ray must be arranged by your ordering physician.
Do not wear jewelry or clothing with metal (i.e. zippers, buttons, or snaps). You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the examination.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, you will require sedation. This must be arranged by your ordering physician. You will need to have someone drive you home if sedation has been taken.
Island Health is a scent free facility, do not wear perfume, cologne or any scented products.