Piercy Respite Hotel

The Piercy Respite Hotel provides a safe, secure and supportive environment to guests 24 hours a day, seven days per week – with the opportunity for social interaction in the dining room/lounge and enclosed garden. This enables their caregivers to have a period of rest and renewal. The hotel is wheelchair-accessible offering 12 private rooms.

We are committed to hospitality, customer service, and satisfaction.  While guests stay at the hotel, family members can have a scheduled break from their caregiving responsibilities and benefit from a period of rest and renewal. We offer a flexible, guest centred service that is easy to access, and which strives to meet individual needs and choices.


The hotel offers 12 attractively furnished private rooms with:

  • Ensuite bathrooms
  • Complimentary TV with a remote control and cablevision
  • Telephone
  • 24-hour call bell system
  • Clock radio

All rooms, including bathrooms, are wheelchair accessible.

The hotel operates like a guesthouse, with hospitality and personal care services included.

Who is eligible?

Individuals may be able to book a stay at the hotel if they:

  • Are age 55 and over
  • Live at home or in the community
  • Require minimum to moderate assistance with activities of daily living, and
  • Require assistance or support from family members or a friend to maintain their independence.

Your Island Health Case Manager will let you know if you are eligible. In order to participate in the program, you must agree to pay the daily rate and arrange for drop-off and pick-up at the end of the agreed upon stay. Guests of the hotel may vary in their mental and physical abilities, but all must be medically stable.

What services are offered?

  • Three nutritious meals per day plus mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and bedtime snacks.
  • Staffed 24 hours a day by a Licensed Practical Nurse. Personal care assistance is provided by Residential Care Aides.
  • There is no physician on site. Guests will need to continue working with their family physician to manage their care while at the hotel.
  • Laundry services are available upon request. Clothing must be labelled with the client’s initials.
  • A recreation therapist oversees the activities and the rehabilitation assists implements and facilitates activities from Tuesday to Saturday.

There are many opportunities to participate in activities that are physical, social, creative and intellectual during one's stay at the hotel.  Activities include: exercise programs, mental aerobics, walking programs, baking, arts and crafts, manicures/hand massage, board games and special events.

A music therapist comes three days a week to support development, health and well-being of the guests staying at the hotel. 

Guests in the hotel have access to:

  • Daily newspapers, books, puzzles and games
  • Enjoying fresh air in the garden
  • Special meals
  • Cards and games
  • Afternoon tea
  • Meeting and conversing with other guests
  • Enjoying an afternoon of quiet reading in a recliner
  • Watching a movie from our collection

Guests are welcome to bring in any books, hobbies, CDs, or crafts from home.

How much does it cost?

There is an annually adjusted minimum daily cost. Your case manager can tell you the current rate. Arrangements for billing are made at the time of your check in to the hotel (preferably through credit card).

Guests and family caregivers will be made aware of any other fees in advance of the scheduled stay.

How long can I stay?

You can use up to 35 days in total per calendar year based on your needs and availability. Checking in and checking out of the hotel may occur on any day of the week including weekends.

Making a reservation

Families may contact the Island Health Home and Community Care General Enquiries Line at 250-388-2273 to begin the referral screening process, which is the first step in making an application for a stay at the Respite hotel.

After your Case Manager has completed your assessment, allow one to two weeks for processing of your registration before booking a stay. Call the Piercy Respite Hotel directly to make a reservation. Bookings can be made up to 6 months in advance. Two weeks advance notice is required to cancel. If your last respite stay was more than one year ago, please contact your Case Manager for a reassessment.

Note: It can take several weeks to get an appointment for reassessment.  We aim to respond quickly to scheduling requests, as long as guests are eligible, medically stable, and have completed the registration process.

How do I prepare for the stay?

Before your respite stay, cancel all community services (e.g. home supports, Adult Day Program) for the duration of your stay.

What about medications?

Due to licensing requirements:

  • no medications or supplements can be brought in from home, including “over the counter” products
  • all medications and supplements must be in blister packs provided by the Forbes Pharmacy located at 1775 Fort Street
  • medications must be administered by the nurse on site

At least 7 days in advance of the respite stay, you or a family member must call Forbes Pharmacy at: 250-595-1471. The pharmacy is located at 1775 Fort St. 

Read more important info about our pharmacy and your medications.

Are tours available?

Tours are typically scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesdays and every Saturday. If these days do not work for your family, the Piercy staff will do their best to make themselves available at other times. Contact the Piercy Respite Hotel Reception for details.

More Guest Information and Forms

Guest Handbook 

If you are coming to the Piercy, you can fill these forms out in advance and bring a copy in, or you can fill them out with us when you get here.

Getting to know you brochure
Additional Information 
Consent to Photograph 
Emergency Contact Form 
Consent to Call Emergency Services 
Food Services Requisition 

Compliments or concerns

We want guests to have a comfortable, pleasant and safe stay at the hotel.  Your opinion counts.  Please let any staff member know if you have questions or concerns during your stay. 

You may also contact the Island Health Patient Care Quality Office at 250-370-8323.

1454 Hillside Avenue in Victoria, B.C

Bookings can be made through our Central Booking Office Monday – Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

1-866-977-5778 ext. 1 or 250-370-5602 

For general enquiries contact 250-370-5641 ext. 1 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7 days a week

Hours of Operation

24 hours a day, seven days a week respite care.


There is limited two hour parking available on Gosworth Street off Hillside Avenue. Paid parking is available at the back of the building.


All rooms, including bathrooms, are wheelchair accessible.

Preparing for Your Visit

Before your respite stay, cancel all community services (e.g. home supports, Adult Day Program) for the duration of your stay.

Visitors and Caregivers

Find information on long-term care visitor guidelines.

Please contact staff to learn more about visiting this location.


Sooke Region, West Shore & Urban Greater Victoria