Island Health provides screening, assessment and individualized treatment plans to adults aged 19 and older who are facing moderate to severe challenges related to mental health and substance use.
Services are delivered in-person or virtually, in one-to-one or group formats.
Most programs have specific eligibility criteria and require a referral to access services. Please contact your local Mental Health and Substance Use team for information on the referral and admittance process. Additional information on specific programs is below.
- Anxiety Disorders Clinic (South Island)
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic provides care to patients in the Greater Victoria area whose primary concern is a specific anxiety disorder. We offer group cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals with a diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We may provide individual treatment on a limited basis for other anxiety disorders (e.g., Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, etc.).
Individuals with concurrent disorders are eligible if their other disorder(s) remain stable and the primary concern is a specific anxiety disorder or OCD. Those experiencing anxiety due to significant life stressors are better served through alternative services. Program participants must be able to engage in group-based treatment.
Find more information on the following websites:
Referrals must come from a primary care provider or Island Health psychiatrist through a Mental Health and Substance Use team.
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Bridging Care Program: Intensive Day Program (South Island)
Bridging Care Program is a recovery-oriented psychosocial rehabilitation program in Victoria. It provides short-term, intensive weekday programming to support clients with serious mental health challenges. Clients typically participate for 1-4 weeks.
Bridging Care offers group-based education and skill development, personalized recovery coaching and psychiatry consultation. We empower clients to manage an acute mental health crisis more effectively. Referral to Bridging Care must come from an Island Health clinician.
Contact us for more information: or 250-370-8039.
- Mental Health Counselling
Located in communities across the Island Health region, mental health counselling services are for adults aged 19 and older who require support to treat or manage moderate to severe mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.
People with mild concerns may be referred to more suitable services to help manage and prevent escalation of their symptoms.
Services are provided in-person or virtually, either on an individual basis or in a group setting.
Please contact your local Mental Health and Substance Use team for information on the referral process.
- Mental Wellness Day Program (South Island)
The Mental Wellness Day Program in Victoria serves adults aged 17-75 who are experiencing serious mental health challenges. This psychosocial rehabilitation program is group-based and recovery-oriented. It serves individuals transitioning from inpatient to outpatient care as well as those in the community.
The program is individually tailored and provides wellness education, skill development, health promotion and community integration.
We serve individuals who are currently receiving care from a psychiatrist. Individuals with developmental disabilities or head injuries are better served by other resources in the community.
Referrals must be made by a healthcare provider. Please contact your local Mental Health and Substance Use team for more information.
View the Mental Wellness Day Program Handout for more information.
Souper Meals
Souper Meals is a program in Victoria that teaches kitchen skills while offering healthy, affordable, homemade meals to current clients of Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) services. The frozen meals are crafted by MHSU clients participating in the Souper Meals psychosocial rehabilitation kitchen experience program. Learn more about Souper Meals in our featured story.
Contact Us
1035B North Park Street
Victoria, B.C.
V8T 1C4
- Short-Term Assessment & Treatment
Short-term assessment and treatment programs provide support for people experiencing severe mental health and substance use issues.
Clients are assessed by a clinician or primary therapist and may receive single or multi-session individual or group therapy, psychiatric consultation, self-management support and referral to community services. Optional consultation and follow-up by a team of psychiatrists may be offered as needed.
Please contact your local Mental Health and Substance Use team for information on the referral process.
- Substance Use Counselling
Located in communities across the Island Health region, substance use counselling services are available for adults aged 19 and older who require support to treat or manage moderate to severe substance use issues.
Clients must be willing and able to take part in addiction counselling and attend sessions without being in active withdrawal or intoxicated. Most services include individual and group therapy support.
Please contact your local Mental Health and Substance Use team for information on the referral process. Some program examples are listed below.
Addictions Outpatient Treatment (South Island)
Addiction Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is a community-based substance use counselling service for adults aged 19 and older. We provide in-person and virtual therapeutic interventions and advanced recovery skills for relapse prevention. Services are offered through individual and group treatment for up to two years.
Referrals are accepted from any Island Health clinician or by contacting Centralized Access and Rapid Engagement Service at 250-519-3485.
Journey: Intensive Day Program for Substance Use (South Island)
Journey is a three-week psychoeducation and group therapy program for people in early substance use recovery. The program provides intensive support, education and skill building with a focus on developing recovery skills and a recovery action plan. Programming runs Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Referrals are accepted from any Island Health clinician. Please contact Centralized Access and Rapid Engagement Service at 250-519-3485 for more information or a referral.
Individuals can also self refer. Contact the program directly for more information: 236-638-1441 or
Recovery Addiction Support (South Island)
Recovery Addiction Support (RAS) offers education, coaching and support to adults focused on substance use recovery in Greater Victoria. RAS is a flexible drop-in program available for registered clients in Victoria (in-person) and South Island (virtually). Sessions run daily from 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
Referrals are accepted from any Island Health clinician. Please contact Centralized Access and Rapid Engagement Service at 250-519-3485 for more information or a referral.
Individuals can also self refer. Contact the program directly for more information: 250-213-4441 or