What is MyHealth?
MyHealth is a secure website that gives you convenient, 24/7 access to your personal health information from anywhere with an internet connection.
Through MyHealth, you can access Island Health laboratory results, imaging reports, and outpatient appointments that are booked through Island Health’s electronic health record scheduling application.
MyHealth empowers patients to actively participate in their own care journey by providing patients with secure, online access to their own personal health information.
Information viewed or printed from MyHealth represents a point-in-time copy of information available at that time and may not reflect a complete representation of all your results.
What is the MyHealth Help Desk and where is it located?
For technical support, call the MyHealth Help Desk, toll-free at any time, at 1-800-249-1024.
The MyHealth Help Desk is located in Missouri, United States. Please be assured that your personal health information is kept confidential at Island Health and only stored within Canada. While the MyHealth Help Desk support staff can assist you with you account access, they do not have access to any of your personal health information.
- Will I see results or information in MyHealth before hearing from my health care provider?
You may see results before your health-care provider has a chance to review and discuss the significance of them with you. To reduce this risk, MyHealth currently has a 7-day publishing delay for more potentially sensitive results (i.e. imaging and pathology results), meaning that you will see these results 7 days after they are available to your health-care provider in Island Health’s electronic health record (EHR).
Note: Obstetrical (fetal) ultrasounds may include information that identifies the sex of the baby.
Note: Laboratory and Medical Imaging results from provincial screening programs (e.g. FIT (fecal immunochemical test), BC Lung Cancer Screening, BC Mammography Cancer Screening) are sent to patients by mail and results are not available in My Health.
- Enrolling in MyHealth
- How can I enroll in MyHealth?
To enroll in MyHealth, you must have received services from an Island Health location and have your own email address.
For more information, visit the Enroll in MyHealth webpage.
- I am already enrolled in MyHealth; do I need to sign up for a BC Services Card account as well?
No, if you have already signed up for MyHealth, you can use the Log in to MyHealth option to access your MyHealth account directly.
- What do I do if I am unable to set up a BC Services Card account?
Help creating your BC Services Card account is available on the BC Services Card website.
- I have successfully created a BC Services Card account, but why did I receive an error when completing the MyHealth enrollment form?
There could be several reasons for this error. Common reasons include:
- You are not 19 years of age or older
- Your personal information displayed on the screen and the information you have entered does not match.
If after troubleshooting you are still unable to enroll, call the MyHealth Virtual Enrollment Line at 1-844-844-2219, available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. for assistance.
- What should I do if my personal information (first and last name, birthdate, and Personal Health Information) displayed on the MyHealth enrollment form is incorrect?
If you notice incorrect personal information displayed during enrollment, please inform a Registration Clerk the next time you visit an Island Health facility to update your personal information record.
- I have not received a MyHealth invitation email within a few days after registering, who can I call?
Please call the MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free), available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week.
- Can both my spouse and I use the same email address to enroll in MyHealth?
Only one email can be used per enrolment; i.e. if you share an email with someone, only one of you will be able to enroll with it. For the other individual, you will need to create a new email address or gain proxy access.
- When I’m creating my account, why don’t I have an opportunity to enter my password twice and/or view it to confirm I am entering it as intended?
Unfortunately, due to technical challenges this option is unavailable. Please be extra cautious when entering a password when creating your account.
- Using MyHealth
- General
- What results are/are not available for viewing in MyHealth?
Although many laboratory and imaging results/reports are available in MyHealth, some are not. Laboratory specimens sent to non-Island Health laboratories for testing will not display in MyHealth. General Laboratory results are available back to 2006; Microbiology, Pathology and imaging results/reports are only available from January 1, 2019 onwards. Imaging reports, such as those related to heart or lung function, or mammography screening may also not be available in MyHealth due to technical challenges. We continue to explore these technical challenges and hope to add these reports in the future.
Note: Information that can be printed from the MyHealth patient portal will not be enough as proof of a negative COVID-19 test for travel purposes. Patients will need to download a report from the Health Gateway Portal.
- Who should I contact if I have a question about my test results?
If you have questions about specific test results, you should contact your health-care provider. Please do not contact the lab or medical imaging department with questions regarding information displayed in MyHealth.
- My health-care provider’s office is closed for the day and/or weekend. Is there someone I can talk to about my test results?
HealthLink BC provides access to non-emergency health information and advice in British Columbia 24/7. Please visit their website, www.healthlinkbc.ca, or call 8-1-1.
- Can I download my records from MyHealth?
Yes, you can download your results and reports from MyHealth. You can also add health care appointments to your personal calendar (e.g. Gmail).
- Can I download my reports from MyHealth?
Yes, you can download reports, by clicking the “Download” button on the right side of the report box.
Please remember that information viewed or printed from MyHealth represents a point-in-time copy of information available at the time and may not reflect a complete representation of all your results. As your report contains personal medical information, keep any reports in a private and secure location.
- Can I message my health-care provider using MyHealth?
At this time, only specific clinics can receive messages from MyHealth. We are exploring expanding this feature to additional clinics and/or health-care providers in the future.
- Who do I call if I have technical difficulties when accessing MyHealth?
Call the MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free) which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- What do I do if I am missing results or appointments?
If you believe any of the information in your health record is inaccurate, contact Health Information Management at myhealth@islandhealth.ca or call your local hospital and ask to speak to Health Records.
- What happens if I discover a result that is not mine?
If you believe any of the information in your health record does not belong to you, contact Health Information Management at myhealth@islandhealth.ca or call your local hospital and ask to speak to Health Records.
- How do I reset my password?
If you have forgotten your password, start to sign into the MyHealth application anyway. On the Welcome screen where you would normally log in, click the “Don’t remember your password?” prompt.

On the next screen, fill in your email address.

You will receive an email that provides a link to the “Change your password” screen. Create a new password, being extra cautious when entering it, since you will not have an opportunity to enter it twice or view it. Save it in a secure location.
- How do I cancel my MyHealth account?
To cancel your MyHealth account, call the MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free) which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- What should I do in the event of an emergency?
Always call 9-1-1 in an emergency. MyHealth is not a replacement for your health-care team.
- What if my MyHealth information appears to be wrong?
Please make sure that if you are looking at a printed copy, you are looking at the most up-to-date information by going back into your account and downloading the most recent information.
- Appointments
- Can I schedule or change my appointment in MyHealth?
At this time, only appointments from specific clinics can be scheduled or changed within MyHealth. We may expand this feature to additional clinics/programs in the future.
- Why can’t I see all my health care appointments?
MyHealth is currently limited to displaying appointments booked using Island Health’s electronic health record scheduling application. We may expand this feature in the future.
- What if my appointment details (time/location) in MyHealth are different than the information I received from the Hospital?
If you have questions about your appointment time or instructions, please clarify by phoning the facility where your appointment is scheduled or by contacting your health-care provider’s office.
Note: Telehealth and virtual care patient locations are not currently displayed in MyHealth. Appointments in MyHealth show the location and address of the scheduling clinic/program but not the location where you will be attending. If you have a scheduled appointment for Telehealth or BC Virtual Visit, and are not sure where to go, please refer to the information you were given by the clinic/program when your appointment was booked. If you are still unsure where to go, please call the clinic that scheduled your appointment to ask for that information.
- Clipboards
- What is clipboard?
Clipboard is a feature within MyHealth that lets you review and enter information about your health before your next appointment, including any concerns about your visit and health. For example, you may receive a Clipboard form with health questions to complete for an upcoming appointment that transfers to your health care provider.
- How do I see the clipboard(s) assigned to me?
When you log in to your MyHealth account, a message will be displayed on the main Dashboard screen with the clipboard that you need to complete.
- Why do I need to complete the clipboard assigned to me?
As clipboard contains questions about your health status and basic information, completing this form allows your health-care provider to review the information prior to your appointment.
- What happens if I did not complete and submit the clipboard form in time for my appointment?
If you are unable to complete clipboards that are assigned to you in MyHealth, please be assured the same questions will be asked during your in-person or virtual visit. Your care will not be impacted.
- Who can I call for help if I am unsure on how to complete my clipboard?
Please call the MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free) which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We will direct your questions/concerns to the appropriate Island Health team to investigate and follow-up with you.
- When should I submit my clipboard?
Complete and submit Clipboard forms as soon as you can. In an event when you are unsure about how to answer clipboard questions, please contact MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free) which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Why did a health-care provider contact me after my clipboard was submitted?
A health-care provider may call you to confirm the information on the form matches the information stored in our system – ensuring your personal health information is accurately recorded. They may also need to collect additional information that was not captured in the Clipboard form.
- Laboratory
- When will my laboratory results be available in MyHealth?
General Laboratory and Microbiology results are available as soon as testing has been completed and results are published in Island Health’s electronic health record (EHR). Testing completion times vary depending on the test type. Pathology results will display seven days after they have been completed and sent to your health-care provider.
- Why can’t I see my results from LifeLabs?
MyHealth only provides results on tests performed in Island Health laboratories. Samples sent to external laboratories for testing are not available. Laboratory tests done at private laboratories, such as LifeLabs, are also not available. Please contact your health-care provider for these results.
- Why can’t I see all of my Island Health General laboratory test results?
The default display timeframe for General Laboratory is one week back from your most recent result. Change the Start date filter to expand the displayed result timeframe. To view more results for a test, click View all for this result, if available, or the far right arrow.
Note: If you change the date range filters and click on a result to view more details, when you navigate back to the prior page, the date range reverts to the original one-week time frame.
- How will I be able to determine whether my laboratory results are normal?
General laboratory tests display your result with Island Health’s normal reference range. If your result is outside of the normal reference range, it will show in orange with an indicated value in brackets (low, high, critical, abnormal). Not all out-of-range results represent disease; please follow up with your health-care provider.
- Why do some of my tests display ‘See CareConnect’ or 'See E-Health Viewer' in the results section?
Some specimens are sent to non-Island Health laboratories for testing; these results do not display in MyHealth. To see where the test was referred to, click the far right arrow and then Show More Info.
- How do I find my ‘See CareConnect’ results?
Contact your healthcare provider/office/clinic who ordered the test and gave you the lab requisition.
- What is CareConnect?
CareConnect, formerly known as E-Health Viewer, is British Columbia's secure, view-only Electronic Health Record (EHR). It offers healthcare providers access to an integrated, provincial view of patient-centric information (e.g. laboratory results) that is available 24/7 to support the delivery of patient care. Access is not available to non-health care providers.
- Why do some of my tests display ‘See Comment’ in the results section?
Some tests have additional information available as a comment. To see the comment, click the far right arrow and then Show More Info.
- Pathology reports look different. When and why did the report format change?
In January 2023, the report format changed to make reports easier to read and include more details.
- I see an “Addendum” in my Pathology report. What does Addendum mean?
An addendum is an update to the original report. Once a report is finalized, authors cannot edit the content within the report; instead additional information can be added in the form of an Addendum, which displays at the top of the report.
- Medical Imaging
- When will my Imaging reports be available in MyHealth?
Once a report is completed by a radiologist, it will be pending and not viewable until the seven-day publishing delay passes. This publishing delay gives health-care providers time to review the report and contact you prior to the report being available in MyHealth. Imaging tests done at private medical imaging clinics will not be available in MyHealth.
- What do the Imaging abbreviations stand for?
- BI = Breast Imaging
- BMD = Bone Mineral Densitometry
- CT = Computed Tomography (CT scan)
- FL = Fluoroscopy
- IR = Interventional Radiology
- MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- NM = Nuclear Medicine
- US = Ultrasound
- XR = X-Ray
Note: Obstetrical (fetal) ultrasounds may include information that identifies the sex of the baby
- Will Obstetrical (Fetal) Ultrasounds include the baby’s sex?
Yes, the baby’s sex will be included in obstetrical ultrasound reports.
If you do not want to know your baby’s sex, please do not look at the report until after you have given birth.
- Why can’t I see my report in MyHealth?
Reports do not display in MyHealth until they are completed by the radiologist. They will then be pending and not viewable until the seven-day publishing delay passes.
If the report still isn’t showing within 7-14 days, please email myhealth@islandhealth.ca.
- Images were taken on two different body areas. Why do I have two reports that are the same?
Occasionally, when imaging is done on two body parts in close proximity, the radiologist will complete one report for both areas, but the report will show up twice in your account. If you have concerns regarding your medical imaging reports please email the myhealth@islandhealth.ca.
- Images were taken on two different body areas – why do I have only one report?
Sometimes imaging for two areas can be combined onto one report.
- I noticed there are new characters below the report name. What do they mean?
These characters identify the application used by the Radiologist when they created the report. They are reference tags for Island Health office use only.

- Reports look different. When and why did the report format change?
In January 2023, the report format changed to make reports easier to read and include more details.
- I see MRN in the header of my reports. What does it mean?
A Medical Record Number (MRN) is a unique identifier assigned to your name that is specific to Island Health’s Electronic Health Record.

- I find the report’s font small, making it difficult to read. Is there a way I can make it bigger?
Yes, use the Zoom feature at the top of the report.

- I see an “Addendum” in my Medical Imaging report. What does Addendum mean?
An addendum is an update to the original report. Once a report is completed, authors cannot edit the content within the report; instead they add additional information in the form of an Addendum, which displays at the top of the report.
- Clinical Documents
- Why are clinical documents being added to MyHealth?
The addition of clinical notes released to MyHealth will provide patients with 24/7 access to documentation, enabling them to participate more fully in their own health and care.
This aligns with the first objective of Island Health's Strategic Framework: to improve the experience, quality and outcomes of health and care services for patients, clients and families.
- When will my clinical documents be available in MyHealth?
Clinical documents will be available from April 27, 2022 onwards. Clinical documents are available eight hours after they have been completed and entered in Island Health’s electronic health record (EHR).
Note: At this time, your health care provider decides whether to release/not release your clinical documentation to MyHealth. In addition, there may be a delay between when you received your care and when your health care provider creates the document in Island Health's EHR.
- What document types will I be able to see?
Not all clinical document types will be available in MyHealth. Below are the currently available document types, with more to be added in the future.
- Admission Note-Provider
- Anesthesiology Clinic Note
- Anesthesiology Consult
- Cardiac Surgery Clinic Note
- Cardiac Surgery Consult
- Cardiology Clinic Note
- Cardiology Consult
- Cardiology Interdisciplinary Summary
- Cardiology Procedure Summary
- Colonoscopy
- Discharge Summary
- ED Note-Physician
- Endocrinology Clinic Note
- Endocrinology Consult
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy-EGD
- Family Practice Clinic Note
- Family Practice Consult
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
- Gastroenterology Clinic Note
- Gastroenterology Consult
- Gastroenterology Procedure
- Gastroscopy
- General Surgery Clinic Note
- General Surgery Consult
- Gynecology Clinic Note
- Gynecology Consult
- Hospital Transfer Summary
- Ileoscopy
- Infectious Diseases Clinic Note
- Infectious Diseases Consult
- Internal Medicine Clinic Note
- Internal Medicine Consult
- Maternal-Fetal Med Clinic Note
- Maternal-Fetal Med Consult
- Nephrology Clinic Note
- Nephrology Consult
- Neurology Clinic Note
- Neurology Consult
- Obstetrics Clinic Note
- Obstetrics Consult
- Operative and Discharge Note
- Operative Report_no PCP copy
- Operative Report
- Orthopedic Clinic Note
- Orthopedic Consult
- Pain Management Clinic Note
- Pain Management Consult
- Pediatric Clinic Note
- Pediatric Consult
- Procedure Note
- Radiology Consult
- Rehab Medicine Clinic Note
- Rehab Medicine Consult
- Respirology Clinic Note
- Respirology Consult
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Urology Clinic Note
- Urology Consult
- Why is my document not showing in MyHealth?
MyHealth only provides some clinical document types from medical encounters that took place at Island Health facilities.
See What document types will I be able to see? for a list of document types that may be released to MyHealth. If you do not see the document you expected to be there, contact Island Health at myhealth@islandhealth.ca.
- Will my primary care provider or clinic receive this information?
If you confirmed or identified your primary care provider (family physician or nurse practitioner) during the Island Health registration process, they will automatically receive a copy of any clinical documents that are released to your MyHealth account.
If you believe your primary care provider is not correct in our system, please contact myhealth@islandheath.ca.
- I see a document in MyHealth, but nothing happens when I click on it. Why won’t it open?
The 8 hour publishing delay has not passed. During this time, the document name will display with a “Pending until …” notification and will not be viewable until the 8 hours have passed.

- I was able to open a document previously, but it won’t open now. Why?
If a document is modified after it was initially viewable in MyHealth, there is an eight-hour publishing delay after the modification is completed by the provider. The document name will display with a “pending until” notification and will be viewable after the eight-hour period.
- I noticed my documents have numbers or words below the document name. What do these mean and why are they different?
These are reference tags for Island Health office use only.

- Documents look different. When and why did their format change?
In January 2023, the clinical documentation format changed to make them easier to read and include more details.
- I see MRN in the header of my reports. What does it mean?
A Medical Record Number (MRN) is a unique identifier assigned to your name that is specific to Island Health’s Electronic Health Record.

- What do Document Name, Document Status and Result Date/Time mean?
- Document Name is the type of document
- Document Status indicates whether a document has been modified
- Auth (Verified) – no changes have been made to your document since the time it was completed
- Modified – additional information was added to the document after its original completion
- Result Date/Time is the date/time the author started the document

- I find the document’s font small, making it difficult to read. Is there a way I can make it bigger?
Yes, use the Zoom feature at the top of the report.

- I see an “Addendum” in my clinical documentation. What does Addendum mean?
An addendum is an update to the original clinical documentation. Once a document is completed, authors cannot edit the content; instead they add additional information in the form of an Addendum, which displays at the top of the clinical documentation.
- I thought my primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) received a copy of this document, but I don’t see them listed as a copied to (cc) recipient at the bottom of the document.
Even though your primary care provider isn’t showing as “copied to”, they are automatically sent a copy of documents entered into the electronic health record, provided you identified them as your primary care provider when you presented for your visit.

- If I have third-party (proxy) access to a patient's MyHealth account, will I be able to view clinical documents for them?
Yes, when viewing the patient’s MyHealth account, you will be able to view documents under the Clinical Documentation section of the Health Record in MyHealth.
- How do I request access to documentation that is not available in MyHealth?
If a document is not available in MyHealth and you would like to receive a copy of it, you may request your records through a Release of Information process.
For more information:
- Who do I call when there is something concerning in my report that I need help understanding?
- Contact your specialist or primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner)
- Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1
- Access HealthLink BC online at HealthLinkBC.ca
- What do I do if the information in my clinical document is not correct?
If you believe any of the information in your health record is inaccurate, contact Health Information Management at myhealth@islandhealth.ca or call your local hospital and ask to speak to Health Records.
- What do I do if this document is not for me?
If you notice a clinical document that doesn’t belong to you, contact Health Information Management at myhealth@islandhealth.ca or call your local hospital and ask to speak to Health Records.
- Proxy Access and Using MyHealth
- How do I see the individual’s record who I have been granted proxy access to?
Log into your MyHealth account and click the dropdown arrow on the “Viewing health record for” box located in the top right hand corner of the page. Individuals who you have proxy access to will display for selection. Click on the individual’s name to view their record.

- How do I know whose record I am viewing?
The name of the individual whose record is being viewed will display in the “Viewing health record for” box.

- The person I have proxy access to is no longer on my account. Where did they go?
- Proxy access must be renewed annually for individuals between 12 and 18 years of age and is automatically removed when:
- A minor turns 12 years of age
- An individual turns 19 years of age
- An individual is deceased
- If none of these scenarios apply to you, please contact the MyHealth Support Desk at 1-800-249-1024.
- How do I request proxy removal?
- Complete the Request for Proxy Removal from a MyHealth Account form. Send the completed form to Island Health using any of the following methods:
- Email myhealth@islandhealth.ca
- Mail to Health Records Department, Victoria General Hospital, 1 Hospital Way, Victoria BC, V9Z 6R5
- Drop-off at any Island Health Hospital Main Admitting Desk
- Privacy and Security
- Where is MyHealth data stored?
All MyHealth data is stored within Canada with the exception of calls to the MyHealth Help Desk; these calls are recorded and stored outside of the country. Should you require the support of the MyHealth Help Desk, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information that will be used to validate your identity and to track and monitor the support call. This information will be collected and stored by Cerner Corporation (who is contracted to operate the Help Desk) outside Canada. Specifically, your full name, phone number, email address, date of birth and any further information you voluntarily supply to the Support Desk will be collected and stored outside Canada by Cerner.
- How is my personal information collected?
Island Health takes privacy very seriously and collects only the personal information necessary when enrolling you for MyHealth. This information is collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of BC (FIPPA) and includes personally identifiable information such as your first name, last name, date of birth, sex, and personal health number (PHN), which are used to positively identify you in Island Health’s electronic health record system. Your email address and a challenge question and answer will also be collected so that an automated MyHealth invitation email can be sent to you and used by you to complete your account setup.
- What security safeguards does Island Health have in place?
Island Health is obligated to protect your personal information by ensuring reasonable security provisions are in place against risks such as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or disposal.
- What can I do to ensure my MyHealth information remains secure?
Keep your MyHealth user ID and passwords in a secure place and do not share these details with anyone. If you choose to download or print results and reports from your personal health record through MyHealth, you are responsible for ensuring appropriate security of your personal information. Accessing MyHealth from publicly accessible devices or networks (such as Internet café kiosks and other public Internet access points) is a security risk and is not recommended. Accessing personal health records in public areas where others can easily view your computer screen is also not recommended.
- What is the best way to end my MyHealth sessions?
To ensure that no one else can access your personal information, always use the Sign Out option, located on the bottom left-hand navigation panel, to end your MyHealth session.
- Reporting suspicious behaviour
If you suspect your MyHealth user ID and password have been compromised, that your MyHealth account has been accessed by someone else, or if you see log in activity or information on your MyHealth profile that does not belong to you, call the MyHealth Help Desk at 1-800-249-1024 (toll free) as soon as possible.