CLINIC - Endoscopy Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital

picture of clinic with endoscopy equipment and a bed


Medical care is provided by a collective team of respirologists, gastroenterologists, general surgeons and nursing staff. Our team of professionals offer services such as:

  • bronchoscopy 
  • gastroscopy
  • endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) 
  • endoscopic ultrasound
  • colonoscopy
  • flexible sigmoidoscopy

How to get a Referral

Your primary healthcare provider will refer you to either a gastroenterologist or respirologist depending on your healthcare requirements. 

The endoscopy clinic does not accept referrals from physician’s offices.

Referrals must be sent directly to a gastroenterologist or respirologist’s office, who will then send you to the clinic for your procedure. 


Please use this Campbell River central intake referral form for endoscopy procedures.


Please use this Comox Valley direct to endoscopy program form.


Please use this GI Central Access and Triage Referral Form.

Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH)
Ambulatory D & T Unit 
1952 Bay St
Victoria, B.C.
V8R 1J8 

RJH  directions:
Come in via the main entrance
Check in at the main admissions desk
Turn left at the elevators
Walk down the long corridor towards the end of the hall
Endoscopy is located on the left, under the sign “Ambulatory D&T Unit” 


Please contact the referring physician’s office, gastroenterologist’s or respirologist’s offices for any questions or concerns regarding the procedure.

If you need to cancel, please contact the gastroenterologist or respirologist’s office at least 1 week before your procedure. 

For all other inquires, contact the endoscopy unit.

Endoscopy at Royal Jubilee Hospital: 250-370-8776

Hours of Operation

RJH Endoscopy 
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed weekends and statutory holidays

Preparing for Your Visit

A reliable ride must be arranged to pick you up after your procedure. Our nurses will contact them when you are ready to be discharged.

For a bronchoscopy procedure, you are asked to fast 6 hours before your procedure time.

For a gastroscopy procedure, the physician will inform you with fasting details. 

Preparation for your colonoscopy will involve the ingestion of an oral laxative solution and fasting. The gastroenterologist will designate a bowel preparation you are required to take before the procedure. 

If you are diabetic, please refer to the Island Health Patient Diabetes Medicine Instructions.

Blood thinners will be held in accordance to recommendations from your primary health care provider, hematologist, or specialist.

To help us reduce waste, please bring a bag for your personal belongings to be stored in for the procedure. 

If you require extra assistance to ambulate, change clothes and/or for toileting, please ensure that a caregiver accompanies you for your visit.

If a translator is needed, please bring a family member or a friend to translate. Island Health will provide translation services over the phone if required.

After your visit

If you are receiving sedation for your procedure, you will be considered legally impaired for 24hrs.

If you’ve received sedation, you MUST NOT drive yourself home after the procedure. You must be accompanied home by a responsible adult. You cannot take public transportation alone.

For your personal records, individualized procedure handout and discharge teaching will be provided to you after your procedure. 

Your primary care physician will receive a report of the procedure and any results. Please arrange a follow up appointment with your specialist or primary physician if one has not already been arranged.

Services at CLINIC - Endoscopy Clinic at Royal Jubilee Hospital


Sooke Region, West Shore & Urban Greater Victoria