Listening to You

Patient feedback is an important tool for improving care practices. Island Health is committed to working with patients, families and community partners to ensure we provide the highest level of care and safety.

Sometimes, patients come to us with comments, concerns or ethical dilemmas. Other times, we actively seek out patient advice and invite patients to share their health-care experience. At all times, we listen to the patient voice and use that valuable perspective to inform how we provide quality care.

See below to learn more about the ways we gather patient feedback and how you can get involved.

Care Quality Concerns

Island Health’s Patient Care Quality Office (PCQO) provides an accessible and transparent point of contact to share compliments and concerns regarding quality of care. The PCQO helps coordinate comprehensive and collaborative care quality reviews. If you have a compliment or concern about a patient care experience, visit the PCQO website for more information.

Understanding the Patient Perspective

Quality care is patient-centered care. At Island Health, we believe our patients’ perspectives offer a valuable contribution to our decision-making as we work to continuously improve the quality of our care. Island Health’s Patient Advisory Council provides invaluable patient perspectives and feedback, while our community partnerships with organizations like the Patient Voices Network keep us connected to patient experiences from all over  British Columbia.

Patient Partner Perspective 

Listen to a recent conversation from the Patient Partner Perspective, featuring Enise Olding, a long-time patient partner from the Cowichan Valley.

Patient Voices Network

If you or someone you know are interested in helping to reshape the health care system, please join the Patient Voices Network or call toll free 1-888-742-1772 for more information on collaborating with health care partners.

Patient Experience Surveys

As part of a provincial program, Island Health and all other B.C. health authorities regularly survey a variety of randomly selected patients to find out more about their experiences in the health care system. Ongoing surveys are conducted with patients who have received care in our emergency departments, inpatient acute care units, mental health and addictions acute inpatient units and cancer centre. These patient experience surveys tell us how we are doing and where we can improve the experiences of our patients.

Endoscopy Survey

If you’ve recently had an Endoscopy experience at the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, we would like to hear from you! Your responses will help us improve services and patient care in our Endoscopy Unit. Please take a few moments to complete the survey about your recent procedure. Your feedback will remain anonymous.

Ethics Matters

Sometimes patients/families and their health care team are challenged to agree on care planning decisions, which can cause ethical concerns for all involved. Ethical concerns commonly arise for patients or their family members around issues such as:

  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Medical treatment
  • Advance care planning
  • End of life care
  • Patient autonomy and informed consent

The Ethics Resource Team is available to help patients, families and caregivers examine the situation through applying an Ethical Decision Making Framework during a facilitated discussion.


Please call the confidential Clinical Ethics Helpline at 1-866-995-3199 and leave a message or email
You will receive a response within 24 hours during business hours.